KPCA – Educational Scholarship Programme (ESP)

(This program is now complete and the fund is closed. All participants since 2018 have completed their Secondary school education)

In late 2017 the KPCA Management Committee set up the KPCA Education Scholarship Programme (ESP) to support educational requirements of needy migrant Kashmiri Pundit students located at Jammu in India. The programme is designed to support the students through the last 4 years of their Secondary schooling and has been set up in conjuction with the Kashmiri Overseas Assocation Inc (KOA) who are providing the on ground administrative and student monitoring services.

The KPCA part of the programme is based on collective contributions from community members in Australia and sponsorship of the students for a period of upto four years depending on the class in which the student is at time of sponsorhip and evidence of achievement of necessary set performance on yearly basis.

It is important that KPCA commits to support  the student for the entire four years of their secondary school once selected. This is achieved through reviewing the community contributions made to the nominated fund at end of each year and deciding the capacity to support new students for the following year in addition to maintaining support for students already committed in years prior.

Those interested in knowing more about the programme or donating please send a request through the contact us page and the ESP sub-committee will contact you.

Note – please do not make donations to the normal KPCA bank account. There is a separate endowment account set up and details will be provided when contacted. At this time the donations are NOT  tax deductable under the Australian Tax Office charitable contributions laws.

For details of the program refer to ESP Guide. (google account id might be required to access)

The program is based on the KOA Inc Sponsor a Child (SAC) program for selection and governance of the endowment but contributions are managed by KPCA grants- subcommittee and distributed directly to the sponsorsed student’s bank account on an annual basis.